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Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

TV Movie: BBC Masterpiece Contemporary: Page EIght (2011)

Do you fancy BBC Masterpiece Contemporary Mystery movies or television series?

The BBC political thriller titled “Page Eight” is about a British intelligence analyst who refuses to compromise his integrity.

What happens to him is what usually happens when civil servants will not budge on their principles and ideals of Right versus Wrong, and their principles and ideals do not line up with their boss, i.e., the chief executive leader who says: I know what is best for our country and I am the one in charge, with the authority!

In his case, Mr. Worricker (the character masterfully played by Bill Nighy) butts heads with the British Prime Minister. He found some real information on page 8 of an intelligence report that points a finger in the direction of the Prime Minister and … Oh dear!

He has to leave his job? No. Rather he chooses that it is time for him to resign from the MI-5 service and move on. To spice up this not “atypical” political thriller plot, he meets a young woman (played by Rachel Weisz) that he has the power to help because of his access to confidential official government secrets. Does he help her? But of course! She helps him as well. In his line of work, it’s really hard to find someone you can trust.

This BBC political thriller is “Page Eight” is actually part of a trilogy. If it hooks you, you’ll probably want to watch the entire triology: Masterpiece: Worricker Trilogy Collection (Salting the Battlefield; Turks & Caicos; Page Eight)

Friday, January 10, 2025

Three (3) Vintage Classic Movies That Created Wonderful Childhood Memories

I was born in the 1950s. That means that I am from the first generation that got to experience television in the home. What a marvelous invention! I know my late mother never intended for the TV set to become her babysitter but my sister, my brothers and I spent hours in front of the television. There were so many wonderful programs to watch that educated and entertained us. I especially loved to watch movies with my big sister. The movies back in my day were memorable and made a lasting impression on my young developing mind. Below are three (3) films from my childhood that created indelible memories.

Heidi (1937) ~ This is a classic children's story written by Swiss author, Johanna Louise Spyri, adapted to film. Famous child star Shirley Temple played Heidi, the little orphan girl who was taken to live with her grandfather. After she and her grandfather had bonded and become close, she is tricked into leaving “the grandfather” and sold to be a servant in a wealthy man's household. If I tell you more and you have not seen the movie, that would spoil everything. So I'll stop right here.

The Wizard of Oz (1939) ~ I loved this movie!! It was a musical but everything about it was magical. The Yellow Brick Road, the Wizard, the Munchkins, the Wicked Witch, Glenda the Good Witch, the ruby red shoes that Dorothy wore, and that song she said that melted everybody's heart: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. Judy Garland was cast as Dorothy. Yes, it was also based on a book. L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's fantasy novel titled “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”.

National Velvet (1944) ~ This is a film about a horse race. Not just any race. England's Grand National Sweepstakes horse race. There is a young girl who has a dream that she can win. It is based on a story by Enid Bagnold. Famous child star Elizabeth Taylor played the role of Velvet Brown. Did she win the race? You'll have to watch the movie.

Do you have any favorite childhood movies?

Original Source

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Two (2) Cary Grant Movies to Watch During the Christmas Holiday

At one time, Cary Grant (1904 - 1986) was one of Hollywood's main leading men. He was certainly one of my favorite actors. He has been acting since the 1930s but most of the movies I remember watching when I was growing up were released in the late 1940s and the 1950s. 

Watching old movies is one of my favorite things, especially during the holiday season. Christmas is not until December but I hope no qualms about starting the celebrations as soon as the autumn season is officially declared. The last week of September is usually the first week of the fall season. Here are my 2 picks for Cary Grant movies to watch for the Christmas season.  It's best to watch in December.

Image credit:

Movie #1:  The Bishop's Wife (1947), leading lady, Loretta Young Cary Grant is an angel from heaven named Dudley. He came down to earth in response to the Bishop's prayer for guidance and in the process of performing his ministerial angel duties, ends up spending most of his time with the bishop's unhappy wife. The answer to the bishop's prayer lies in him realizing that in the performance of his duties as bishop and a husband, he had somehow misplaced his priorities. All he needed was to put back on the right path. It's a warm and fuzzy feel-good kind of movie that is best watched during the Christmas holiday season. 

Movie #2:  An Affair to Remember (1957), leading lady, Deborah Kerr What happens when two (2) lovers make an arrangement to meet at a certain place, on a certain date, at a certain time, with the intention to get married and living happily ever after … only one of the lovers does not show up at that certain place and time, as per the arrangement? Another love story and a real tear-jerker! My favorite part of the movie was where Deborah Kerr started crying but she took her handkerchief and started wiping the tears from Cary Grant's face. He gently took the handkerchief away from her and started wiping her years. She was the one crying. Not him! It was a love affair to remember. I remembered it and have rewatched the movie more than once. It wasn't a Christmas movie but that touching love scene happened during a Christmas holiday.

Vintage Christmas Cary Grant!!!
vintage christmas pictures

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Indian Movies: Celebrities: Spotlight on Amy Jackson

Do you heart Amy Jackson?  Do you even know who Amy Jackson is? She’s an actress. OK. Yeah. She’s a hottie! I discovered her by accident, because of two music videos on YouTube.
  • The first music video attracted my attention because it looked like an Indian version of Beauty and the Beast.
  • In the other music video, Ms. Jackson was a female photographer who was being taken on a tour in India.
Watching the music videos piqued my interest. Had to seek and find what movies these videos were associated with. I was extremely pleased with the results of my treasure hunt!

♥ But first, let me share a little background info about Amy Jackson.

Her nationality is British; born on the Isle of Man and grew up in Liverpool. She was the winner of several beauty pageants including Miss Teen Liverpool and Miss Teen World. At the age of 16, her modeling career began.

Her acting career blossomed almost instantly when she caught the eye of director A. L. Vijay who thought she looked like a perfect fit to play the part of the leading lady in a Tamil language historical period drama. (He was right! IMHO.)

She has appeared in several Indian films and is currently included in the ranks with other female Bollywood superstars. She is also included alongside female superheroes. She is Imra Ardeen / Saturn Girl in the popular American TV series “Supergirl”.

Follow her on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

♥ And now the moment you’ve been waiting for.

The two South Indian (Tamil) films discovered after watching the related music videos, that made me join the Amy Jackson fan club are Madrasapattinam (2010), a historical period drama.  I (2015), a drama sci-fi thriller.

What hooked me about these movies? I’m a sucker for romance. Both were love stories.

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Links of Interest:

Image credit: Amy Jackson Top Live Wallpaper by Solution

Monday, September 23, 2024

Three (3) Classic Films That Have No Equal or Comparison

Once upon a Xmas, my kids gifted me a Fire TV that allows me to use several streaming services. What I really like is that I can often find some of my favorite old movies to rewatch.

Image credit: AI_Generated Image Created Using DreamUP AI Art Tool plus movie poster found on Wikipedia

There are 3 movies in my lifetime that I have watched that I can rewatch over and over. They are the “gold standard”. All other movies must measure up to them. If you have not watched them I guarantee you that will be at the top of your rewatch list for FOREVER!


(1) Gladiator (2000)

A gladiator who defied an emperor. This movie had a stellar cast but it would have been nothing without Russell Crowe's portrayal of a gladiator. “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.”  WATCH TRAILER

(2) Enter the Dragon (1973)

A government intelligence agency recruits Bruce Lee's character to go to a secret island and find a missing operative. He accepts the mission for personal reasons. This film showcased martial arts skills that the world had never seen. Memorable quote: "It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."  WATCH TRAILER.

(3) The Guns of Navarone (1961)

The military assembles a team of men who have specific skills needed to carry out a special operation. They have to blow up Nazi-held Navarone, a mountain loaded with enemy guns! Can they do it? To borrow a quote from Gregory Peck's character: “With everyone one of us a genius. How can we fail?”  WATCH TRAILER.

Final note: “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962) is worthy of honorable mention.

List: Quick Reads (Short and Sweet!) | Curated by Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner | Medium

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Favorite Childhood Movie: National Velvet (1945)

If parents want to choose a vintage movie to watch with their kids, especially young girls, pick "National Velvet" (1945), which starred Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney.

One of my favorite films as a kid was “National Velvet” which starred a 12-year-old Elizabeth Taylor, alongside Mickey Rooney. This child had a horse she believed could win a race if only she could ride him to victory. She entered the race and her horse won. But they disqualified her as the champion. Why? Because she was a girl and girls were not allowed to compete. Her spirit was not broken. She beamed with pride and joy. She was so proud of her horse because she proved that he could win the race and that they could be "the best that they could be". I loved that movie!!

For those who enjoy watching the movie and reading the book, National Velevet was adapted from a book by the same name, written by Enid Bagnold.

In my humble opinion this movie is a timeless classic that children of every generation would enjoy; especially young girls.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Books: American Literature: Louisa May Alcott (1832 – 1888)

In Memory Of Louisa May Alcott (Nov 29, 1832 – Mar 6, 1888).

Image credit:

This blog post is in celebration of her birthday. Most people know her as the author of "Little Women", which was adapted for film several times. The film adaptation I remember starred Elizabeth Taylor, released in 1949. There was a much later remake with Winona Rider, { Little Women (Collector's Series) }.  Of course, Ms. Alcott wrote many more novels and poetry; and she also did other interesting things in her life during a time when the movements, actions, and decisions of women were restricted or limited.  She is worthy of double honor.

Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania and she had three sisters. Her father made sure that they were all educated. Louisa began her writing career publising poetry and short stories. She used a pen name, Flora Fairfield. Before she became famous she also published Gothic thrillers under the pseudonym A.M. Barnard. At the age of 35, in 1868, she published “Little Women”, an autobiography, which was an overnight success and has become a classic. Her company of friends included successful authors Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau.

Her life was far from glamorous and sophisticated, but she lived a life worthy of admiration. She volunteered as a nurse to serve during the Civil War; however contracted typhoid fever and was sent home. She was a suffragette and in 1879 when the laws were passed allowing women to vote in Concord, Massachusetts, she was the first woman who registered to vote. She never married and her health was very poor. Nevertheless she took care of her parents when they were ill until their deaths, and adopted and cared for her niece when her sister died. Louis May Alcott died of a stroke, two days after her father's death. She was 55 years old.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Falcon and the Snowman (1985) ~ A True Story

Ever see the movie "The Falcon and the Snowman" (1985)

I once worked for the federal government. I understand how a young man like Christopher Boyce who came from a typical middle class white American Catholic family ... could become disillusioned he when comes to the knowledge that his beloved country, the United States of America, is not ... "perfect".  After all, that's not what he was taught or raised to believe.  

Even though I'm African-American and grew up in segregated neighborhood, I can empathize with how he felt. I was taught the same thing.  America is the land of the free, the home of the brave,  We're righteous and the other countries should follow our example.  Even though I understand Mr. Boyce, I refuse to justify what he did. Ideals or not, HE WAS WRONG!  

So America is not "without sin". But can any other country say that they are sinless?  You don't like what's happening in America?  Stay here and change it!!  At least you care.  The other country you're selling out to, could care less.

This is a very good movie.  I rate it 5 out of 5 stars.  The soundtrack gets 10 stars!  David Bowie is English but he sang the song "This is Not America", like he was an American

*(View the official movie trailer.)

"The Falcon and the Snowman" starred Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn. I think the movie should be incorporated into an orientation training class for all civil servants who work in the law enforcement agencies “ CIA, NSA, ICE, FBI, etc. The movie was intense. Riveting! A favorite word used by official movie critics. The best part of the movie for me is David Bowie and Pat Metheny on the soundtrack. But I digress. The movie is about a young guy (Christopher Boyce, played by Timothy Hutton) who works for the government and learns that "things" are not what they appear to be and feels betrayed by his country. He gets angry about it “ as any red-blooded patriot would - and decides to sells secrets to "The Enemy". He recruits his childhood friend (Daulton Lee, played by Sean Penn) who is a dope head! Long story short. In the end, they both go to prison.  There is also a book written about this story as well.

The Falcon and the Snowman: A True Story of Friendship and Espionage by Robert Lindsey (2002-06-02)

In between, Mr. Lee gets caught and accused of murder. Of course, he didn't commit the murder but that didn't stop the law enforcement authorities who captured him from grilling him, thoroughly interrogating him, and torturing him to get the truth out of him.
After all is said and done “ they say "He did!," - he say "He didn't! He's just a tourist, a businessman." - there's a scene where he's about to be released and a man walks in and says something to the effect: "We're going to give you 2 choices." Before the man could tell what the choices were, Mr. Lee (Sean Penn) looks up at the guy, weary, scared, demoralized and says in questioning tone of voice: "Costa Rica?" I CRACKED UP LAUGHING!! I thought to myself: 'Now ain't that sumthin! They done beat the crap about this boy and he is totally weakened and confused, but he still had the clarity of mind to try to negotiate to get sent to Costa Rica!!' :)

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hollywood Screen Legends and Icons: Elizabeth Taylor (February 27, 1932 ~ March 23, 2011)

In America, the word “icon” is often applied to a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of society and culture and worthy of honor or great respect. Many celebrities or movie stars are often described as icons. If you were judging them based solely on their public persona, you would approve of them as “representative symbols”. If you were to include details about their private lives as reported, they might not be considered “iconic”.

Not On My List

Any list I make ignores the private lives of the celebrities. Have you ever made your own list of iconic female celebrities? Madonna, Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga might be on your list. Not on my list. I’m old school. Many of the glamorous movie stars from back in my day (“my day” meaning the 50s, 60s, and 70s) are no longer with us. A few years ago, at one of my blogs, I published my unofficial top ten list of female celebrities that in my humble opinion were “iconic”. My Top 10 List of Iconic Female Celebrities

If you review my list (referenced above) you will note that my favorite movie star, Elizabeth Taylor, is not on my list. That's because I think she is iconic; legendary, and deserves her own spotlight.  So I published a separate blog post.

Call her “Elizabeth” or “Liz”. For those who wish to treat her as if she is almost royalty, call her Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, DBE. (DBE = Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire). She is American, but she was born in England so the Brits love her too! Queen Elizabeth officially acknowledged her as a “Lady”.

My Favorite Elizabeth Taylor Films

Numerous documentaries have been aired on television or via the Internet about Ms. Taylor’s life and film career and I have watched too many of them to count. In discussing her significant films, one of the documentaries failed to mention ALL of my favorite Taylor movies. I have 3 favorite films and 2 out of the 3 movies on my faves list were not even mentioned. No matter. I’ll mention them now.

Below are the three motion pictures which starred Elizabeth Taylor that made a lasting impression on me, along with the memorable quotes. They are classic or vintage movies now, and they are worthy of being included in America’s cinematic history and legacy.

National Velvet (1944)
This was the story of a young girl who believed in her dream. She loved her horse named “Pi” and she believed that she and Pi could compete in a horse race for professionals. She was an unqualified jockey with no experience or training, and Pi had not been tested. It didn’t matter. She knew in her heart that they could and would win!

“ … by knowing the Pi can win and telling him so!”

Oh mother! Were we the best that we could be?”

Giant (1956)

This movie is a love story. A girl from the east married an oil millionaire from Texas. She had to make adjustments to her new lifestyle and married life had its difficulties. She loved her husband and he loved her back like vinegar on greens.

“Well, we Texans like a little bit of vinegar in our greens. It gives them flavor.” {NOTE: This is what Jordan Benedict (played by Rock Hudson) said to his wife, Leslie Benedict (Elizabeth Taylor’s character). It’s the line etched in my memory.}

Cleopatra (1963)

The title is the name of the famous Egyptian queen who loved two powerful men, the Roman emperor Julius Caesar and a Roman politician and general, Mark Antony. These romantic liaisons were for love and for lust. She desired power. The rest of her story is history.

How DARE you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library? Play conqueror all you want, Mighty Caesar! Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!”

In Memory Of: Elizabeth Taylor (1932 -2011)

Is Elizabeth Taylor on your list of favorite actresses and do you have a favorite Liz Taylor film?

* * *

(Original Source:

♦ How to watch and stream Elizabeth Taylor movies

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Movie: Murder Mystery: “Big Bad Wolves” (2013)

Horror films and scary psycho-thrillers about murderers on the loose are not really my idea of fun entertainment. They are not my favorite type of film because of my weak stomach which cannot easily digest blood and gore – fake or real; and bad dreams or nightmares are almost always inevitably a byproduct of watching those movies. 

But every once in awhile, particularly if it’s a Friday or Saturday night, a relative or friend might be able to persuade me to watch that kind of movie. But even if I agree to watch the movie, certain allowances must be made.

Allowance Number 1: I am not to be left alone at any time while the movie is showing, except that I can go to the bathroom by myself. LOL.

Allowance Number 2: It is perfectly OK if I “watch” the film all the way through with my eyes closed and just listen to the dialogue. That way there won’t be any gory scenes in my memory for me to fall asleep and dream about.

Allowance Number 3: If I watch the movie trailer and it scares the bejeebers out of me, all bets are off! That’s it! I’m not watching the movie! If watching a movie preview upsets me, there is no way I can watch the movie.

* * *

Here is a movie recommendation. The movie is “Big Bad Wolves”. It’s Israeli-produced and it’s a scary murder mystery suspense thriller! This movie is also described as a black or dark comedy, but I have a problem with movies labeled as such. It’s just one of my pet peeves. Does this plot sound something to make you laugh? It’s a murder mystery wrapped around a horror. The victims are innocent little girls, a killer or killers are on the loose, and you have just got to know if the Big Bad Wolves get caught!

The Saturn Awards are presented by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, an American organization. “Big Bad Wolves” received the award for Best International Film at the 40th annual ceremony. If that accolade isn’t enough to impress you, then it might interest you to know that Quentin Tarantino called it the ‘Best Film of 2013’.

Anyway! After reading a review that piqued my interest, this movie went on my watch list. The Number 3 allowance has been eliminated since watching the trailer did not overwhelm me with fear and dread. However, because of Number 1 and Number 2, I have to wait for my husband or other relative or friend to be in the mood to watch this mystery with me. I am NOT watching this movie all by myself! LOL.

Original source:


Big Bad Wolves (English Subtitled) by Lior Ashkenazi for $2.99 ~

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Pandora (2016): Korean Drama: Disaster Film and Political Thrille

When the government tells the people everything will be alright and what they are doing is good for the country's economy ... DON'T BUY THAT LINE!! That's what all politicians say. They work from a distance. 

Sadly, the person who is working AT the nuclear plant tries to warn the president, the head of the government, that the nuclear plant is not being maintained and that if prompt action is not taken, the result will be disastrous .. IS IGNORED. 

A loyal employee at the nuclear facility prepared a scathing report, identifying problems, and recommending solutions BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! For his concern and due diligence, he is removed from his position and replaced by someone less competent who does whatever he was told to do. 

Long story short, by the time the president realized how grave the situation was at the nuclear power plant, nobody was willing to risk their lives to go inside and fix it! So the president gets on television, informs the nation of the danger, and pleads for volunteers who are willing to go inside the plant and make the necessary repairs.


Where are the heroes when you need them?

Main characters:
  • Jae-Hyeok (played by Kim Nam-Gil)
  • Pyung-Sub (played by Jung Jin-Young)



Thursday, May 2, 2024

Korean Movie: The Berlin File (2013), Action, Spy Thriller

The criminal underworld believes in equal opportunity.  If anyone wants to participate in organized criminal activity, the door is open.

In the case of The Berlin File, the door that opened is now closed because of secrecy needed to conduct an illegal arms exchange taking place between a North Korean, a Russian, and an Arab, in a hotel room in Berlin, Germany. 

Before the transaction can be completed, agents from the Mossad (Israeli intelligence) burst into the room. They tell the North Korean he can leave; they only want the Arab and the Russian guys. 

The North Korean spy tries to leave the scene but a South Korean NIS agent chases after him. He manages to escape but the NIS agent still plans to pursue him. South Korea needs to find a bank account that belonged to the late Korean leader Kim Jung-il. The funds will be used by other countries that aid North Korea. NIS believes the North Korean spy has information about the money. 

Unfortunately, the spy is being betrayed by his own countrymen. They also want to gain access to Kim Jung-il's bank account for their own political agenda and plan to frame him as a traitor. He needs to try to escape from his North Korean comrades. the South Korean NIS, and the other international spy agencies like the Israeli Mossad and the American CIA who are thrown into the “mix”.

He wants to escape with the woman he loves.

Can he escape? Where will he go?

Main Characters:

  • North Korean spy Pyo Jong-Sung (played by Ha Jung-Woo, “Narco Saints”)

  • South Korean NIS agent Jung Jin-Soo (played by Han Suk-Kyu, “Tree With Deep Roots”).

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

THE UNJUST (2010) ~ Korean Drama Movie Gem

Netflix suggested Unjust (2010) as a gem and I agree. The IMDb Rating: 6.6 out of 10 stars. But my rating for this movie is 9 out of 10 stars. This movie painted a very realistic picture of unjust acts that corrupt civil servants commit in their official line of duty. It was a chilling eye-opener.

The Unjust (2010)

The Unjust is an Intense Crime Drama!

The viewer is immediately drawn into the storyline when it starts with televised news reports about a serial killer on the loose, killing young children and mutilating their bodies. The public is justifiably outraged and wants to know why the police have not yet captured this menace to society. Choi Cheol-Gi is assigned to head up the task force and bring this brutal murderer to justice. But instead of finding the real killer, he picks a guy who has served time in prison for sexual assault against a child and presents him to the public as the culprit. WHY? The public will be relieved, the case will be closed, he will be painted as a HERO, and will finally get that promotion.

Not so fast! Prosecutor Joo-Yang eats and plays golf with a wealthy corrupt businessman. When that businessman is arrested for crimes, the prosecutor bends the law to get the charges dropped. He is not exactly a saint. But when he finds out that Choi Cheol-Gi did not catch the real killer, he makes it his mission to expose him. There's bd blood between the two of them.

The truth is these guys abuse their positions of public trust in order to advance their careers. They're both corrupt and unjust. But one of them is … The Unjust. Which one? 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remember When the Language of Romance in Movies was Corny and Sweet!

American movies and even TV shows these days no longer have innocence. By that I mean … I remember when there was once something called “censorship” and the entertainment industry was bound by certain rules that required all who were involved in writing script for movies and television shows to keep the dialogue “clean” and nudity was not just discouraged but forbidden! If in the movie, an actor and an actress were dating or pursuing a relationship, it was not necessary for them to appear in bed together for the viewing audience to understand that they were interested in each other. 

Where I Find Old Movies to Watch

I love my subscription because they have lots of old movie channels. These channels show movies that were made when censorship rules were deemed important to strengthen the moral fabric of our citizenry. I love old movies. I especially love old movies which star Elvis Presley.

Entertainment Trivia About Elvis Presley

Just a little trivia I picked up a while back. I heard that Elvis did not like the fact that his fellow countrymen were going off to serve their country in the military and he was back home making silly movies. So finally he was approached by the military, asked to join, and his service to the country would be entertaining the troops. Elvis didn’t like the idea at first because that wasn’t his idea of serving his country. But the military officials convinced him that his performing for the troops would do wonders for their morale. So Elvis agreed and joined the military. He did not see combat but he did do wonders for lifting the spirits of the troops.

For you Elvis buffs, if that’s not a true story, feel free to call me out on it!

Back to the point of this article.

Delightfully Wholesome Sweet Talk in “G.I. Blues”

Thanks to the wonders of the remote control, one never has to linger on any one channel for an extended period of time. You would think a person has A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) when they get a remote control in their hands. So I’m clicking through channels searching for something to keep me entertained and landed on one of the channels for old movies and immediately stopped when I saw Elvis Presley dressed in a military uniform.

The name of the film is “G.I. Blues” (1960). I didn’t watch the entire movie but I stayed on the channel long enough to catch this exchange between the leading man (Elvis Presley) and the leading lady (Juliet Prowse). These are probably not exact quotes but it’s close enough to the exact dialogue.

In this scene, Elvis Presley gets into a cable car with the lovely Juliet Prowse so that it can take them up into the sky and they can have a picturesque view of the mountains, etc.

Ms. Prowse gets in first. Mr. Presley follows behind and the door is closed. Before they take off Elvis asked Ms. Prowse if the cars ever get stuck when they get up high and the occupants just have to wait for a long time until someone comes to rescue them.

Ms. Prowse responds something to the effect: “Oh that seldom happens. So you needn’t worry. These cars are quite safe.”

To which Mr. Presley responds: “Oh I wasn’t worried. I was just kind of … hoping!

🙂 Don’t you just love delightfully wholesome sweet talk like that? 🙂

Have you ever seen the movie “G.I. Blues”?

About Me

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Work-at-home professional since 2007.

Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via this websites might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website.

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