2024 Korean Dramas to Watch


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Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hollywood Screen Legends and Icons: Elizabeth Taylor (February 27, 1932 ~ March 23, 2011)

In America, the word “icon” is often applied to a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of society and culture and worthy of honor or great respect. Many celebrities or movie stars are often described as icons. If you were judging them based solely on their public persona, you would approve of them as “representative symbols”. If you were to include details about their private lives as reported, they might not be considered “iconic”.

Not On My List

Any list I make ignores the private lives of the celebrities. Have you ever made your own list of iconic female celebrities? Madonna, BeyoncΓ©, and Lady Gaga might be on your list. Not on my list. I’m old school. Many of the glamorous movie stars from back in my day (“my day” meaning the 50s, 60s, and 70s) are no longer with us. A few years ago, at one of my blogs, I published my unofficial top ten list of female celebrities that in my humble opinion were “iconic”. My Top 10 List of Iconic Female Celebrities

If you review my list (referenced above) you will note that my favorite movie star, Elizabeth Taylor, is not on my list. That's because I think she is iconic; legendary, and deserves her own spotlight.  So I published a separate blog post.

Call her “Elizabeth” or “Liz”. For those who wish to treat her as if she is almost royalty, call her Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, DBE. (DBE = Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire). She is American, but she was born in England so the Brits love her too! Queen Elizabeth officially acknowledged her as a “Lady”.

My Favorite Elizabeth Taylor Films

Numerous documentaries have been aired on television or via the Internet about Ms. Taylor’s life and film career and I have watched too many of them to count. In discussing her significant films, one of the documentaries failed to mention ALL of my favorite Taylor movies. I have 3 favorite films and 2 out of the 3 movies on my faves list were not even mentioned. No matter. I’ll mention them now.

Below are the three motion pictures which starred Elizabeth Taylor that made a lasting impression on me, along with the memorable quotes. They are classic or vintage movies now, and they are worthy of being included in America’s cinematic history and legacy.

National Velvet (1944)
This was the story of a young girl who believed in her dream. She loved her horse named “Pi” and she believed that she and Pi could compete in a horse race for professionals. She was an unqualified jockey with no experience or training, and Pi had not been tested. It didn’t matter. She knew in her heart that they could and would win!

“ … by knowing the Pi can win and telling him so!”

Oh mother! Were we the best that we could be?”

Giant (1956)

This movie is a love story. A girl from the east married an oil millionaire from Texas. She had to make adjustments to her new lifestyle and married life had its difficulties. She loved her husband and he loved her back like vinegar on greens.

“Well, we Texans like a little bit of vinegar in our greens. It gives them flavor.” {NOTE: This is what Jordan Benedict (played by Rock Hudson) said to his wife, Leslie Benedict (Elizabeth Taylor’s character). It’s the line etched in my memory.}

Cleopatra (1963)

The title is the name of the famous Egyptian queen who loved two powerful men, the Roman emperor Julius Caesar and a Roman politician and general, Mark Antony. These romantic liaisons were for love and for lust. She desired power. The rest of her story is history.

How DARE you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library? Play conqueror all you want, Mighty Caesar! Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!”

In Memory Of: Elizabeth Taylor (1932 -2011)

Is Elizabeth Taylor on your list of favorite actresses and do you have a favorite Liz Taylor film?

* * *

(Original Source: RationalMind.club)

♦ How to watch and stream Elizabeth Taylor movies

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Movie: Murder Mystery: “Big Bad Wolves” (2013)

Horror films and scary psycho-thrillers about murderers on the loose are not really my idea of fun entertainment. They are not my favorite type of film because of my weak stomach which cannot easily digest blood and gore – fake or real; and bad dreams or nightmares are almost always inevitably a byproduct of watching those movies. 

But every once in awhile, particularly if it’s a Friday or Saturday night, a relative or friend might be able to persuade me to watch that kind of movie. But even if I agree to watch the movie, certain allowances must be made.

Allowance Number 1: I am not to be left alone at any time while the movie is showing, except that I can go to the bathroom by myself. LOL.

Allowance Number 2: It is perfectly OK if I “watch” the film all the way through with my eyes closed and just listen to the dialogue. That way there won’t be any gory scenes in my memory for me to fall asleep and dream about.

Allowance Number 3: If I watch the movie trailer and it scares the bejeebers out of me, all bets are off! That’s it! I’m not watching the movie! If watching a movie preview upsets me, there is no way I can watch the movie.

* * *

Here is a movie recommendation. The movie is “Big Bad Wolves”. It’s Israeli-produced and it’s a scary murder mystery suspense thriller! This movie is also described as a black or dark comedy, but I have a problem with movies labeled as such. It’s just one of my pet peeves. Does this plot sound something to make you laugh? It’s a murder mystery wrapped around a horror. The victims are innocent little girls, a killer or killers are on the loose, and you have just got to know if the Big Bad Wolves get caught!

The Saturn Awards are presented by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, an American organization. “Big Bad Wolves” received the award for Best International Film at the 40th annual ceremony. If that accolade isn’t enough to impress you, then it might interest you to know that Quentin Tarantino called it the ‘Best Film of 2013’.

Anyway! After reading a review that piqued my interest, this movie went on my watch list. The Number 3 allowance has been eliminated since watching the trailer did not overwhelm me with fear and dread. However, because of Number 1 and Number 2, I have to wait for my husband or other relative or friend to be in the mood to watch this mystery with me. I am NOT watching this movie all by myself! LOL.

Original source: Virily.com


Big Bad Wolves (English Subtitled) by Lior Ashkenazi for $2.99 ~ amzn.to/2FfbBIJ

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Pandora (2016): Korean Drama: Disaster Film and Political Thrille

When the government tells the people everything will be alright and what they are doing is good for the country's economy ... DON'T BUY THAT LINE!! That's what all politicians say. They work from a distance. 

Sadly, the person who is working AT the nuclear plant tries to warn the president, the head of the government, that the nuclear plant is not being maintained and that if prompt action is not taken, the result will be disastrous .. IS IGNORED. 

A loyal employee at the nuclear facility prepared a scathing report, identifying problems, and recommending solutions BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! For his concern and due diligence, he is removed from his position and replaced by someone less competent who does whatever he was told to do. 

Long story short, by the time the president realized how grave the situation was at the nuclear power plant, nobody was willing to risk their lives to go inside and fix it! So the president gets on television, informs the nation of the danger, and pleads for volunteers who are willing to go inside the plant and make the necessary repairs.


Where are the heroes when you need them?

Main characters:
  • Jae-Hyeok (played by Kim Nam-Gil)
  • Pyung-Sub (played by Jung Jin-Young)



Thursday, May 2, 2024

Korean Movie: The Berlin File (2013), Action, Spy Thriller

The criminal underworld believes in equal opportunity.  If anyone wants to participate in organized criminal activity, the door is open.

In the case of The Berlin File, the door that opened is now closed because of secrecy needed to conduct an illegal arms exchange taking place between a North Korean, a Russian, and an Arab, in a hotel room in Berlin, Germany. 

Before the transaction can be completed, agents from the Mossad (Israeli intelligence) burst into the room. They tell the North Korean he can leave; they only want the Arab and the Russian guys. 

The North Korean spy tries to leave the scene but a South Korean NIS agent chases after him. He manages to escape but the NIS agent still plans to pursue him. South Korea needs to find a bank account that belonged to the late Korean leader Kim Jung-il. The funds will be used by other countries that aid North Korea. NIS believes the North Korean spy has information about the money. 

Unfortunately, the spy is being betrayed by his own countrymen. They also want to gain access to Kim Jung-il's bank account for their own political agenda and plan to frame him as a traitor. He needs to try to escape from his North Korean comrades. the South Korean NIS, and the other international spy agencies like the Israeli Mossad and the American CIA who are thrown into the “mix”.

He wants to escape with the woman he loves.

Can he escape? Where will he go?

Main Characters:

  • North Korean spy Pyo Jong-Sung (played by Ha Jung-Woo, “Narco Saints”)

  • South Korean NIS agent Jung Jin-Soo (played by Han Suk-Kyu, “Tree With Deep Roots”).

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

THE UNJUST (2010) ~ Korean Drama Movie Gem

Netflix suggested Unjust (2010) as a gem and I agree. The IMDb Rating: 6.6 out of 10 stars. But my rating for this movie is 9 out of 10 stars. This movie painted a very realistic picture of unjust acts that corrupt civil servants commit in their official line of duty. It was a chilling eye-opener.

The Unjust (2010)

The Unjust is an Intense Crime Drama!

The viewer is immediately drawn into the storyline when it starts with televised news reports about a serial killer on the loose, killing young children and mutilating their bodies. The public is justifiably outraged and wants to know why the police have not yet captured this menace to society. Choi Cheol-Gi is assigned to head up the task force and bring this brutal murderer to justice. But instead of finding the real killer, he picks a guy who has served time in prison for sexual assault against a child and presents him to the public as the culprit. WHY? The public will be relieved, the case will be closed, he will be painted as a HERO, and will finally get that promotion.

Not so fast! Prosecutor Joo-Yang eats and plays golf with a wealthy corrupt businessman. When that businessman is arrested for crimes, the prosecutor bends the law to get the charges dropped. He is not exactly a saint. But when he finds out that Choi Cheol-Gi did not catch the real killer, he makes it his mission to expose him. There's bd blood between the two of them.

The truth is these guys abuse their positions of public trust in order to advance their careers. They're both corrupt and unjust. But one of them is … The Unjust. Which one? 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remember When the Language of Romance in Movies was Corny and Sweet!

American movies and even TV shows these days no longer have innocence. By that I mean … I remember when there was once something called “censorship” and the entertainment industry was bound by certain rules that required all who were involved in writing script for movies and television shows to keep the dialogue “clean” and nudity was not just discouraged but forbidden! If in the movie, an actor and an actress were dating or pursuing a relationship, it was not necessary for them to appear in bed together for the viewing audience to understand that they were interested in each other. 

Where I Find Old Movies to Watch

I love my Pluto.tv subscription because they have lots of old movie channels. These channels show movies that were made when censorship rules were deemed important to strengthen the moral fabric of our citizenry. I love old movies. I especially love old movies which star Elvis Presley.

Entertainment Trivia About Elvis Presley

Just a little trivia I picked up a while back. I heard that Elvis did not like the fact that his fellow countrymen were going off to serve their country in the military and he was back home making silly movies. So finally he was approached by the military, asked to join, and his service to the country would be entertaining the troops. Elvis didn’t like the idea at first because that wasn’t his idea of serving his country. But the military officials convinced him that his performing for the troops would do wonders for their morale. So Elvis agreed and joined the military. He did not see combat but he did do wonders for lifting the spirits of the troops.

For you Elvis buffs, if that’s not a true story, feel free to call me out on it!

Back to the point of this article.

Delightfully Wholesome Sweet Talk in “G.I. Blues”

Thanks to the wonders of the remote control, one never has to linger on any one channel for an extended period of time. You would think a person has A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) when they get a remote control in their hands. So I’m clicking through channels searching for something to keep me entertained and landed on one of the channels for old movies and immediately stopped when I saw Elvis Presley dressed in a military uniform.

The name of the film is “G.I. Blues” (1960). I didn’t watch the entire movie but I stayed on the channel long enough to catch this exchange between the leading man (Elvis Presley) and the leading lady (Juliet Prowse). These are probably not exact quotes but it’s close enough to the exact dialogue.

In this scene, Elvis Presley gets into a cable car with the lovely Juliet Prowse so that it can take them up into the sky and they can have a picturesque view of the mountains, etc.

Ms. Prowse gets in first. Mr. Presley follows behind and the door is closed. Before they take off Elvis asked Ms. Prowse if the cars ever get stuck when they get up high and the occupants just have to wait for a long time until someone comes to rescue them.

Ms. Prowse responds something to the effect: “Oh that seldom happens. So you needn’t worry. These cars are quite safe.”

To which Mr. Presley responds: “Oh I wasn’t worried. I was just kind of … hoping!

πŸ™‚ Don’t you just love delightfully wholesome sweet talk like that? πŸ™‚

Have you ever seen the movie “G.I. Blues”?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Korean Drama TV Series: The Scholar Who Walks the Night (2015)

I am not a fan of the horror genre. But I do like Korean historical period dramas. That's why when I first came across this TV series titled The Scholar Who Walks the Night which was about vampires during the Joseon Dynasty, I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it.

First of all, my background is Christian and all the vampires that I have ever seen were weakened or even killed by a crucifix. So I'm thinking … how are they going to kill vampires in Korea??? Surely they won't use a cross. Nevertheless, I decided to watch the show because the main actor is Lee Joon-gi and I'm a fan.

There is a good vampire and a bad vampire. Lee Joon-gi plays the “good vampire”. He was close friends with the crown prince. The crown prince was fully aware that there was a vampire who was attacking people in the palace and he wanted to get rid of that vampire. Scholar Kim Sung-yeol (played by Lee Joon-gi) had no idea he was going to become a vampire. 

What happened was that the crown prince knew another good vampire who was trying to help him get rid of the bad vampire. He told his friend, the scholar, what his plans were and introduced him to the good vampire. 

Long story short. He was taken by surprise when the good vampire bit him! The good vampire told him that it was the only way for him to save the kingdom from that menacing wicked vampire. Lee Soo-hyuk plays Gwi, the bloodthirsty evil vampire who wants to rule over all the humans.

Oh! What did they use instead of a crucifix? Something called Chinese hawthorn.

It was 20 episodes and to my surprise, I really enjoyed it!  Glad I stepped outside my comfort zone.

Original source

Watch on Viki.com with English Subtitles

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

5 Binge-Worthy Korean Dramas Worth Rewatching

Some Korean dramas are soooooo good, you want to watch them again.  Here are my 5 K-Dramas with episodes to rewatch. **Spoiler alert.**

♦ 1) 
Tomorrow (2022)

This is a supernatural K-drama series about grim reapers who prevent suicides. I loved the episode about the war hero. His life story made me angry at the way his bravery in battle was disregarded. When it was his time to pass into the afterlife, a legion of grim reapers showed up to escort him and they all saluted him. At the end of the scene I was crying my eyes out.

♦ 2) Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung

This a historical period drama about female historians, who took their jobs just as seriously as their male counterparts. They experienced gender discrimination but overcame it. There was one episode worth rewatching. The king wanted to see the admin records kept by the historians, which is against the law. He sent men to their workplace to take the documents by force if necessary. The men sent by the king and the male historians got into a fistfight. When the female historians saw what was happening, they joined in the fight. It was hilarious! But the historians stood their ground. The king ultimately had to back down.

♦ 3) Mr. Sunshine (2018)

This is a Netflix original series and everything about it is SPECTACULAR! There were several episodes that I liked. But the most memorable scene was when the Korean lady who owned the hotel where the Japanese were staying … BLEW IT UP!! With the Japanese inside, of course.

♦ 4) Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016)

The Hwarang are the flower boys of the Silla Kingdom (57 BC–AD 935). Young men chosen from noble families were chosen and trained to be warriors. But they were also trained in the arts, and I might add that they were all “eye candy”. The coolest scene was when the warriors who had been sent as part of a delegation to Baekje to avoid war, had to escape. The Baekje prince wanted war and chased after them with his troops, intending to slaughter them. However, the rest of the Hwarang came to the rescue and the prince had to turn around and go back home. It was so cool!

♦ 5) Dong Yi (2010)

This historical period drama is about the true love story between the king and a lowly water maid. The best episode was when one of the corrupt officials conspired against Dong Yi. He thought that he had the queen in the palm of his hand and could easily manipulate her to do his bidding. But when he showed up at Dong Yi's residence thinking that they would arrest her, they arrested him instead. I was like: “Boo yeah! Take that you dirty rat!”


Original Source

Saturday, March 9, 2024

K-Drama Movies to Watch Free on Pluto TV (Part 2)

The list below are 5 Korean movies that are streaming free with ads on Pluto TV. The “H” means the film is historical. In the previous list published via PopGeeks, the movie gems were released between 2009 and 2012. The films on the list below were released between 2013 and 2021.

  1. Killer Toon (2013)
  2. The Sound of a Flower (2015)-H
  3. The Swordsman (2020)-H
  4. Beasts Clawing at Straws (2020)
  5. Escape from Mogadishu (2021)

♦ 1) Killer Toon (2013)

A webtoon artist who becomes entangled in a series of gruesome murders because the real-life crimes resembling her fictional work. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she uncovers dark secrets and a chilling connection between her creations and reality.  This film is categorized as Horror, Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense.

PAYNUX Movie. “Killer Toon 2013 Full Movie Trailer - Murder Tragedy Based on Comic Story.” YouTube Video. YouTube, September 10, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChUrNinYNq8.

♦ 2) The Sound of a Flower (2015)

This historical period drama is based on a true story, set in 1867 Korea. Jin Chae-seon is a Korean pansori singer. She disguises herself as a man in order to compete in “Naksungyeon”, a national competition of pansori performers. This historical figure is believed to be the first female master of a male-dominated genre. Born in the 1840s, she became a master of performing Simcheongga and Chunhyangga.
  • Chae-Sun (played by Bae Suzy, “Doona”)
  • Shin Jae-Hyo (played by Ryu Seung-Ryong)
CJEntertainmentUSA. “The Sound of a Flower Official Teaser Trailer W/ English Subtitles [HD].” YouTube Video. YouTube, October 30, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL_CP1sw9L4.

♦ 3) The Swordsman (2020)

After a king of Joseon was dethroned, the country's best swordsman who has served him faithfully, vanishes. His wish is to live quietly with his daughter away from the palace intrigue, corruption, and constant conspiracies. But his wish was not granted. There is a conflict between Qing and Ming Dynasty has thrown Joseon into chaos and his daughter is kidnapped. He must pick up his sword once again to go save his daughter.  This film is categorized as Action, and Historical Fiction.
  • Tae Yool (played by Jang Hyuk, “My Country: The New Age”)
  • Tae Yool’s daughter Tae Ok (played by Kim Hyun-Soo)

Well Go USA Entertainment. “THE SWORDSMAN Official Trailer | Directed by Choi Jae-Hoon | Starring Jang Hyuk and Kim Hyeon-Soo.” YouTube Video. YouTube, December 16, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMuBuL982iQ.

♦ 4) Beasts Clawing at Straws (2020)

A bag of money gets lost and the lives of several characters interconnect and intersect. The more greedy and desperate they become to find the money, the more they are willing to take extreme measures.  This film is categorized as Black Comedy, Crime, Thriller, and Neo-noir.

  • Joong-Man (played by Bae Sung-Woo)
  • Tae-Young (played by Jung Woo-Sung)
  • Yeon-Hee (played by Jeon Do-Yeon, “Crash Course in Romance”)
  • Mi-Ran (played by Shin Hyun-Bin)
  • Jin-Tae (played by Jung Ga-Ram)
Artsploitation Films. “Beasts Clawing at Straws | Official Trailer.” YouTube Video. YouTube, September 28, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQFyCvDgL7Q.

♦ 5) Escape from Mogadishu (2021)

Based on true events. South and North Korean diplomats must escape from war-torn Somalia in 1991. The divisions of north versus south and political ideologies don't matter. In the midst of chaos and conflict, it's just humans working together to overcome adversity. Survival is what counts.  This film is categorized as Action and Historical; and has won 20+ awards, including Best Film and Most Popular Film.
  • Han Shin-Sung, Ambassador, South Korean Embassy (played by Kim Yun-Seok)
  • Kang Dae-Jin, Councilor, North Korean Embassy (played by Zo In-Sung)
Well Go USA Entertainment. “ESCAPE from MOGADISHU Official Trailer | Korean Action War Drama | Directed by Ryoo Seung-Wan.” YouTube Video. YouTube, July 13, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvNFzwKtSy0.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

K-Drama Movie Gems to Watch Free on Pluto TV (Part 1)

The list below is 5 Korean movies I have already watched or are on my watchlist. The “H” means the film is historical.

  1. Castaway on the Moon (2009)
  2. I Saw the Devil (2010)
  3. Swordbrothers: The Showdown (2011)-H
  4. Nameless Gangster (2012)
  5. Perfect Number (2012)

Castaway on the Moon (2009)

Kim Seung-Keun (played by Jung Jae-Young) goes to a bridge over the Han River because he is contemplating suicide. He jumps but instead of dying he ends up stranded on a deserted island in the middle of Seoul. Looks like it just wasn't his day to die. Once he gets adjusted to his new life, he decides living a solitary life is not so bad, even though he still wrote out a message in the sand “HELP”, just in case.

Kim Jung-Yeon (played by Jung Ryeo-Won) also lives a solitary life and never leaves her apartment. Her hobby is taking photos of the moon. But one night she happened to see “HELP” written in the sand and a figure of a man walking on the shore of the deserted island.

It's a very unusual way for two solitary people to connect.

2) I Saw the Devil (2010)

This K-drama is a gripping and suspenseful thriller. So-Hyun (played by Lee Byung-Hun, “Concrete Utopia”, “Mr. Sunshine”) is an agent for the NIS (National Intelligence Service). When his fiancΓ©e is murdered by a serial killer, he uses his KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) as a secret agent to relentlessly pursue the killer. If he catches the murderer alive, the right thing to do is turn him over to law enforcement for trial and conviction. However, since he is a covert agent he might blur the lines between right and wrong, and misuse his “license to kill”.

Swordbrothers: The Showdown (2011)

This is a Korean historical period drama and the setting is Manchuria, China, 1619. Heon-myung (played by Park Hee-soon, “The Bequeathed”); Do-young (played by Jin Goo, “Shadow Detective”); and Du-soo (played by Ko Chang-seok) are three swordsman from Joseon who are forced to come to China by the Ming Dynasty. They tried to take refuge in a tavern but found themselves cornered by Manchu forces.

Do you love intense sword fighting scenes in historical K-dramas? Then you'll love this movie.

4) Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time (2012)

Set in the 1980s, this gritty crime drama follows a corrupt customs officer who rises to power in the criminal underworld. Choi Ik-Hyun (played by Choi Min-Sik, “In Our Prime”) is caught accepting bribes. He wasn't the only dirty officer but he is the one who took the blame. One night while still being employed as a customs office he discovers a stash of illegal drugs in a warehouse. Since he had to leave his honest job where he was dishonest, he makes up his mind to become completely dishonest. It turns out he's related to a crime boss, Choi Hyung-Bae (played by Ha Jung-Woo, “Narco Saints”), so they become partners in crime and take over the Busan underworld.

5) Perfect Number (2012)

This film is a mystery thriller. Suk-Go (played by Ryoo Seung-Bum, “The Berlin File”) is a math genius. That's the highlight of his life. He's good with numbers, but not much else and lives as a recluse. Hwa-Sun (played by Lee Yo-Won, “The Great Queen Seondeok”) is his neighbor. He makes no effort to establish any kind of neighborly bond. She moved there because she was trying to escape her abusive violent boyfriend, only he found her.

Suk-Go hears sounds coming from his neighbor's house which are obviously the noises made when people are having a violent fight. Hwa-Sun manages to kill her ex-boyfriend. Suk-Go knocked on the door to ask if there was a problem and when he entered the house, he saw the dead body.

Hwa-Sun does not try to stop him from calling the police but she asked him if he would listen to her side of the story before making the call. Suk-Go decides to help her cover up what happened.

Hwa-Sun accepts his help but later she starts wondering “what's his angle”? She starts adding things up in her mind. Why did he help her? Does he have dark secrets? Is he a psycho who is worse than her ex-boyfriend? I mean … she didn't even know him and he volunteered to . Things don't seem to quite add up. It's not just math!

This movie is based on the 2005 novel "Yogisha X no Kenshin" ("The Devotion of Suspect X").

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Captivating the King Will Become One of the Best K-dramas of 2024


March has just begun and 2024 Korean dramas are still being released. Even so, I do not doubt that "Captivating the King" will make many lists as one of the Best K-Dramas of 2024. It may even appear on lists as one of the Best K-Dramas of All Time. From the first episode, as a viewer, I was completely captivated.

This series is historical, set during the Joseon Era, loaded with political intrigue, and it's a love story. The king is suspected of being a homosexual because of his closeness to a baduk (Go) player. However, the baduk player ultimately reveals herself to him and also confesses her love for him.

A man, especially a king, who is surrounded by so many treacherous and traitorous people must have at least one person he can trust and rely on; a confidant who will stay beside him through thick and then, and comfort and love him. The burden the king carries is heavy because, among the people who seek his life, one of them is his one and only kinsman. That kinsmen killed his brother and planned to kill him also. Even worse, his mother, the Queen Dowager, did nothing to stop him, It is indeed a cruel world when your mother won't even try to rescue you.

“Captivating the King” is loosely based on the historical events about the time when Joseon was “between” the Qing and the Ming. In the history of Korea (formerly called Joseon), the date of the Manchu Victory is 1636. With this victory, the Qing defeated the Ming and the Emperor forced Joseon into a tributary relationship with the Empire.


  • Grand Prince Jinhan / Lee In (played by Cho Jung-Seok, “The Face Reader”, “The Nokdu Flower”)
  • Kang Hee-Soo / The Baduk Gambler (played by Shin Se-Kyung, “Rookie Historian”)

Before he became king, people plotted against the Grand Prince Jinhan and accused him of treason. On the night he went before his brother, the king, to plead his innocence, his brother gave him “his last words” and died in his arms. The treacherous plans of his enemies BACKFIRED. He had the upper hand because he and a court maid were the only ones in the king's quarters when he received his dying words. The grand prince took the throne and became king. Although that was not his brother, the king, had willed. Nevertheless, to carry out his brother's dying wishes, Grand Prince Jinhan has to make himself king so that he has the authority to do so.

But what were his brother's last words? The grand prince was to:

  • Ensure that the king's son was placed on the throne; and
  • Find out who poisoned the king.

The king did not die a natural death. He was murdered.

The storyline for “Captivating the King” is rife with treachery and deceit, betrayal, psychological manipulation, and all of the tools power-mongers use to take control and satisfy their greed and lust for wealth and power.

When the grand prince was taken hostage by the Qing, he learned the value of playing baduk because it was a game that helped the player develop a military strategy to defeat his enemy.

When the grand prince returned to the palace, certain court officials convinced his brother, the king, to view the grand prince with suspicion and painted him as a spy for Qing. But even without the efforts of those within, the king had been threatened by those without. He was told that if something should happen to him, the Qing would place the grand prince on the throne, and not his son, the crown prince. This threat was already in the king’s mind and the Joseon court officials had simply added fuel to the fire.

One day the grand prince was out and about and came across a group of people playing baduk. He wondered if he could get into the game. That is how he met the baduk gambler. She was a noble lady, disguised as a man, who used the money she earned from gambling for charitable works.

Their relationship almost did not happen. The baduk player, along with several other people, were used as scapegoats to take the blame for the people who had plotted treason against the king. They were sentenced to death. The prince, who became king, thought she died. But several years later, the baduk player showed up. Not knowing how or why she/he survived, he made a way for her/him to stay by his side. Perhaps he had been given a second chance by the heavens to right his wrong against an innocent person. The baduk player, initially had plans to destroy him. But she had a change of heart once she learned “the rest of his story”.

The story of the prince and the gambler is truly captivating.


Netflix K-Content. “Captivating the King | Official Trailer | Netflix [ENG SUB].” YouTube Video. YouTube, January 9, 2024. Captivating the King | Official Trailer | Netflix [ENG SUB]

Original source

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Spotlight on South Korean Actor Lee Dong-Wook

Lee Dong-wook appears on many lists of “most handsome” South Korean male actors. But he is not just a pretty face. He is popular for a variety of reasons. He is very talented, has a versatile acting range, is known to have a charming persona, and he is “best buds” with Gong Yoo.

Lee Dong-wook is an award-winning actor. Since he has been appearing in Korean dramas since 2005, you might not know where to begin. Check out this list:

  1. A Shop For Killers (2024)
  2. Bad and Crazy (2021)
  3. Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020)
  4. Strangers from Hell (2019)
  5. Life (2018)
  6. Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016)
  7. Hotel King (2014)
  8. The Fugitive of Joseon (2013)

Published via Quora

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Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner – Home Business Entrepreneur.  Think. Dream. Focus. Believe in yourself? Hire yourself! Be your own boss! Do it! Self-employed and loving it!   ♦ DISCLOSURE: In compliance with FTC rules and guidelines, be advised that some links shared via this websites might contain affiliate referral links which means commissions might be earned if product sales resulted from your click-through to the vendor’s website.

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